Tuesday, May 18, 2010

John 15:7

John 15:7
"If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you."

Firstly, John chapter 15 is probably my most favorite chapter in the Bible. Simply because of the vine and the branches passage, which is what this verse is taken out of. And this morning as I was reading this, for some reason this verse just stood out to me. No matter how many times I read the chapter, it always tugs at my heart.
But this verse just got me this morning. Especially the ending of it, 'ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you.'
There are some commands and some limitations in this statement, especially in the context and if you continue reading in the chapter.

But the fact that, if I remain in Jesus, in His love, as the Father loves Him, if i remain in that, and if the words from the Father, through Jesus remain in me. in my heart, and mind...whatever I wish, will be given to me. That is a huge saying.
But i think often we mistake it. I think that the verse is really saying, that if I accept, and remain and am consumed by His Love, and His Words (truth, Jesus), are inside of me, guiding me, leading me, and I am proclaiming that in my life and for myself, then He will give me what I ask. Cuz the truth is, if I am in Christ and His words are in me, a part of me, I won't wish for anything that is outside of Him. Anything outside of Him, should be nothing that even crosses my mind of wishful thinking or desires. My desire will be Him, and will be of Him!

Which is awesome!

Remain in God's love. Remain in Jesus.

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