Wednesday, May 19, 2010

1 Peter 3:3-4

1 Peter 3:3-4 (NLT Translation)
"Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God."

In the NKJV and ESV, in verse 4 it uses the phrase, 'hidden person of the heart.' where it says the 'beauty that comes from within.'

Back in the day, when I had money to spare, I shopped. A lot. Now that I don't really have money, and I feel God is calling me to more a simple life and to not live by all my wants, I don't really shop. At all really, for clothes. In fact, I purposivly try to stay away from shopping, simply because when I'm in a mall and I see things I want...its just not good. I get overwhelmed by this sense and feel of I WANT THAT, like bad...its not even healthy. So I try to flee from the temptation of that sin of my own desires, plus I hate the feeling that it gives me. I feel so greedy and selfish.
But the other day a few of us girls had a fun day and went to the mall. I purposively didnt buy anything, cuz i dont have money and my mother is taking me shopping tomorrow for a few things. And I did decent! But there is still always the, oh i want this, i wish i could have this...mentality.

and i think that a lot of are that way. we focus so much on our outer appearance more than our inner. granted, we want to look good, we need to take care of ourselves, but when we are taking more care of our physical appearance than our hearts appearance...something is seriously wrong. and i think thats y i really love this verse. cuz that is what it is saying basically. to be clothed in the beauty that comes from within. im one of those people who really believe that our beauty, comes from within. when we are beautiful on the inside, we will be much more beautiful on the outside. God created us, He has made each one of us beautiful. And when the hidden person of the heart, the beauty of that person is revealed, its like a light shines down on us and the beauty is there for everyone to notice. and that beauty, will radiate God's Glory. His Honor.

So may we not be so focused on materialistic things, but on our hearts. on what is within.

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