Friday, July 29, 2011

Because You delight in me


Because You delight in me LORD

I am beautiful.
I have joy.
I am made righteous.
I am set apart.
I have worth and value.
I have someone to live for, someone to please.
I am not alone.
I am kept in Your mighty arms.
I have a reason to act and to stand.
I need not worry nor fear.
I have a protector.
I have a best friend.
I am alive.
I have love and know love.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011



As i was reading my  bible this morning, what I was reading was making way to much sense to me, that I figured I should share it because i think it just speaks loud and clear to basically all believer’s.

Numbers 22 is where most of this is coming from…it is the story of Balaam (where his donkey talks to him…). I am finding this story so completely interesting. But what I find most interesting….

(I suggest you read this story…and compare it to what I say, and see if you can see it too.)

*How often does God tell us what He wants when we inquire of Him, and then when the same inquiry comes up, we seem to inquire to God again…hoping for a different response becasue we didn’t like the original….We hope for another response that will allow us to do what we want to do, whether we realize this or not (that can be the problem at times…)
So some time may go on, may be short, may be long….and we keep inquiring of the same thing…then God sees our stubborn selfishness, and allows what our hearts wanted in the first place…BUT….God becomes displeased. Because we are being disobedient.
Often we use God’s wait…or God’s allowment as an excuse that what we are doing…is okay. When really, it may not be okay. Was it what God has told us in the first place? Probably not…so what makes what we do most of the time okay then?

Then come the consequences…which we don’t like. And we wonder why things seem harder, why God seems further away than normal, why things aren’t working out as they should, why we aren’t joyful….simply answer…DUH. we are doing our own thing….we are not doing what God’s original answer was to us.

The dangerous part in this is that at times, it doesn’t seem like we are doing anything wrong, cuz to us….God gave the a okay! But did He really? Were we really listening?

Too often we know the answer……but we still want it our way….so we disobey. is really all this is. and that is why in Numbers 22, when Balaam went with the King’s men, and God became angry and the angel of the LORD stood in His way (which is a warning sign to us…we get those often), he was really being disobedient. God has made up His mind…He originally told Balaam to not go with them…but Balaam let them stay and waiting it out to see if God would say anything else.

You see it again in chapter 24 i believe in Balak…the King…He wants Israel to be cursed…but Balaam repteatedly says he cannot curse them because God has blessed them and he cannot go against that….yet Balak does not give up…He keeps pushing for His way…becasue He is fearful and knows he cannot win against Israel. How often are we even like that too…God makes Himself perfectly clear….yet we still push…for our way.


God is Holy. God is Sovereign. God is good. God desires obedience in His people. He deserves obedience. His word and desires are way beyond ours. Who’s are you fighting for?


“but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it—lest you even be found to fight against God.”
Acts 5:39