Monday, July 2, 2012

thinking about recently


Having a kitten, has taught me a few things. and something that i have been finding myself being reminded of and thinking about recently, is our need of being saved, or rescued.

For instance, a kitten who cannot figure out how to climb down a tree,  or who falls into a deep basement window opening,cries out for help, because they need rescued.
We often, cry out for help to, but we also, don’t cry out for help enough soemtimes. We think that we can handle things on our own, that we are strong enough. But reality is, we all need saving. We all need rescued from something. and the good news is, that God is right there to save us.

Jesus has saved us from eternal damnation, and has clothed us with His righteousness by His blood. But each day, we need rescueing as well in our daily fight to live for Him. because we can’t do things in our own strength, we need the strength of the one who raised Christ from the dead!

Jesus is our deliverer. Our rescuer. Our Savior.
and we need to humble ourselves and realize that we need saving.