Sunday, June 20, 2010

1 Corinthians 9:26-27

"Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. no, i beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."
1 Corinthians 9:26-27

This is from the passage about running the race, and receiving a crown, prize. I love verse 26, cuz it just speaks to my heart and challenges me. So often i think I don't run in the right direction, or with purpose at times. I need to run towards God, and i need to run with fervor, and purpose--not aimlessly. and when fighting temptation and the evil of the world, i need to fight with all that I am and rely on the Holy Spirit. and not fight the air...i need to learn to fight. cuz its something i donnt think that i really know how. We need to give so much more of ourselves to God. and to life. we don't put enough effort forth. our focus is ourselves and what we want, but what we to be lazy and for ppl to fight FOR us.
We have to make an effort, more effort. and im preaching to myself mainly. I don't want to be disqualified for the prize in the end. I want to live this life with all I am, for Jesus. for my prize. He is my strength, my motivation, the one who has and is fighting for me. So run fervantly (i really like that word).

Psalm 130:6

"My soul waits for the Lord, more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning."
Psalm 130:6

So I just realized that, this verse repeats itself.
But i read this, and I just thought to myself, how often does my soul REALLY and i mean really wait on the Lord? watchmen...its their job to watch and to wait...
so we should be waiting on the Lord more than the watchmen do their job, more than they wait for the morning.
Are we waiting on the Lord to answer? to rescue us? to replenish us? to revive us? ....etc.

Wait on the Lord.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Psalm 111:2-3

"The works of the LORD are great,
Studied by all who have pleasure in them.
His work is honorable and glorious,
And His righteousness endures forever."
Psalm 111:2-3

We should be studying the works of God. especially in our own personal lives. We should take more time to be aware and to look and see all that God is doing and has done in our lives. each and every day. cuz HE is always doing something. Evenn when things are tough and hard, that shows He is doing something inside of you and He can even still work through you in those times, which amazes me. I sometimes feel like, when life is hard, and im struggling, I can't be joyful, I can't opposite of this "hardness" in life...which I know that to be a lie..but sometimes you just cant shake it. But jsut cuz life is hard and you have things to work through, you can still shine. which is amazing to me! God's work is honorable and glorious...well said !!
So may our eyes be opened to see all that God is doing and may be thank Him and honor Him for it. Guarantee our hearts and attitude will be encouraged and lifted up!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Emily Byler is the joy of my heart.

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
1 John 4:18

I dont know what to say...except BAM. I am realizing that the majority of my life, is lived in fear....i dunno what else to say.
Some verses just do that to you.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

1 Corinthians 6:15, 19-20

"Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself?...
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."
1 Corinthians 6:15a, 19-20

My favorite part of these verses, is "YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN..." I often forget, that I was bought at a price and that I am not my own. All to often I find myself focusing on myself...which i absolutely hate. cuz it affects relationships, and ministry and life in general.
But I love the idea and FACT that our bodies are a member of CHRIST the person. We are united with Him, and one with His spirit. The Holy Spirit. This is something that my mind just can't comprehend, or cant wrap its fingers around (which is pry a good thing). But it is an incredible truth, and I am very thankful for it. Because otherwise, I would have no strength, no abilities in life I am very thankful for God giving me the Holy Spirit. I just need to remember and recoginze Him more in my everyday life, and honor God with my body, becasue it is a temple. With what I say, with what I eat, with what I allow into my mind/stomach/mouth...etc.
It's a huge responsibility, being the home of the same Spirit that comforted Jesus and gave Him strength.
Do we realize this?! Do we LIVE in step with Him? Do we honor Him?


This isn't a part of my daily blog..but I just really felt like sharing this, because its on my heart and today ive been thinking about it a lot.

In my mind, what I tend to do, is when things get tough, i think/feel like it is the end of the world. But what I think I am learning...or trying to learn i that it is not the end of the world, in fact, it is a beginning. There are new beginnings everywhere, if we just open our eyes, and allow beginnings to be a part of our lives.

My friend gave me this poem a couple weeks ago, and I absolutely love it, and i have it sitting against my lamp where i do my devotions, so that i see it every morning. and it is somethig that I try to pray everyday. I am not sure what book it is from, so i cant quote it exactly...but this is it.

'Help me to believe in Beginnings.'

O God, help me to believe in beginings and in my beginning again,
no matter how often I have failed before.
Help me to make beginnings:
to begin going out of my weary mind into fresh dreams,
daring to make my own bold tracks in the land of now;
to begin forgiving,
that i may experience mercy;
to begin questioning the unquestionable
that I may know truth;
to begin disciplining
that I may create beauty;
to begin to sacrifice
that I may accomplish justice;
to begin risking
that I may make peace;
to begin loving
that I may realize joy.

Help me to be a beginning for others,
to be a singer to the songless,
a storyteller to the aimless,
a befriender to the friendless;
to become a beginning of hope for the despairing,
of assurance for the doubting,
of reconciliation for the divided;
to become a beginning of freedom for the oppressed,
of comfort for the sorrowing,
of friendship for the forgotten;
to become a beginning of beauty for the forlorn,
of sweetness for the soured,
of gentleness for the angry,
of wholeness forr the broken,
of peace for the frightened and violent of the earth.

Help me to believe in beginnings,
to make a beginning,
to be a beginning,
so that I may not just grow old,
but grow new each day of this wild, amazing life
you call me to live with the passion of Jesus Christ."

1 Corinthians 4:20

"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power."
1 Corinthians 4:20

I forget a lot of times (cuz i tend to forget the things that matter most...unfortunately), the power in the kingdom of God. Power beyond anything our mind can even comprehend or think of. I often wonder, why do I forget these things?! And what I am realizing, is that it is Satan. Causing me, somehow, to forget, so that I am not living in that power.
We can talk about the kingdom of God all we want...and it mean or do nothing...but when we realize and focus the POWER in the God...thats when life really happens and when Satan and his little minions screech. the battle...

Power. I pray, that I, and you, remember the POWER of God. and not just remember it, and talk about it, but to live it. Cuz living it, is a totally different thing, and something that I feel a lot of us lack. but something that we need to be living in.

Monday, June 14, 2010

1 Peter 5:10

"And God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." 1 Peter 5:10

Suffering is a part of life. It sucks, its hard, we can't run from it, no matter how many times we try, it keeps catching up to us. We get tired and weary of running eventually. and when the right people, right God timing is there, the running will stop. There is no EASY button for life. I've been pressing the easy button all of my life, even when it hasnt seemed like it, i have been. cuz hard, just scares me.
but God promises, that tho there is suffering (cuz Jesus why should I not suffer...why should I take an easy way out, when Jesus took the road less traveled, the hardest, more difficult route...and im trying to just sneak by......not cool.), God will bring restoration. strength. endurance. steadfastness.
I (we) have to hold onto that promise. That hope. That light.

Focus. is a very important thing, that we think too lightly of.

Be my focus LORD.

Friday, June 11, 2010

1 Corinthians 2:13

"This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words."
1 Corinthians 2:13

Is this true in my life?! Does what I speak, come from what I have been taught by the Spirit? Or by the world?

I want this verse to be true of my life. thats it.

Romans 16:1-15

I will not type all this out for you all. I suggest you go and read it. But it Paul telling ppl to greet all these certain people who have helped him and who are all apart of the Church.

I love this, because as I was reading it, we are currently on a roadtrip, where basically we've been with families and/or a community of believers. and its incredible. and i feel like that is kinda what Paul did, traveled and stayed/communed with families and community. its a beautiful thing. and in this passage, he tells ppl to greet these ppl.

we are all to greet each other. to welcome each other. we are all a family, in Christ. To Fellowship. When we really embrace this, our lives and hearts will be encouraged!

So welcome someone.

Romans 15:19

"by the power of signs and miracles, through the power of the Spirit. So from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ."
Romans 15:19

This verse hits me, because Paul says he has FULLY PROCLAIMED the gospel of Christ. This makes me ask myself, is that how I am living? Am i living in a way that my life, and my words and motives and actions are fully proclaiming the gospel of Christ? How do i even do that?! Is that my ambition?! My drive?!

It just makes me question myself, and then what I see, is usually not what I want. But then I pray for a change of heart and mind. To live in the power of the Holy Spirit with a burning desire to FULLY proclaim Jesus to the world and those around me.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Romans 14:7-8

"For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord."
Romans 14:7-8

In the context of this verse, with what is beinng said beforehand, its talking about basically not stirring others on. or causing brothers and sisters to fall, if you know somethinng that bothers them or that they are weak in or believe differently then you in, don't stir it on. don't create dissenion or be passive/aggressive i guess is another word.
so basically, we need to be aware of the ppl around us. this life is not about us, and ppl living according to our needs. but we need to be mindful of other people's needs too. its called being selfless. and i think some of us have a really hard time w that. unfortunately. i hate to admit, that i do sometimes. or a lot of times. but i do not live for myself. or die for myself. i live for God, and when I live for God, i am living to serve other people, because that's what Jesus did. Something I need to grow in more (among a lot of other things). servanthood.

I belong to the Lord. this is truth.

I belong to the Lord.

2 in 1

So I am slacking and have 2 besides today to catch up on !!
so this is a 2 blogs in 1! :)

Matthew 5:8
"Blessed are the pure in heart, they will see God."
I want to see God. I think that God, without my knowledge, has been and is taking me thru a purifying process. For so long my desire has been to just SEE God and for His ways to be my vision, His truth to be what I see. To just see Him. In all things and to know Him more and more.
So i guess I share this verse, just because it is a desire of my heart. To be pure, and to see God.

Psalm 51:10
"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
Once again, pureness! I want a pure heart, because Matthew says that I will see God when I have one. and what im finding lately, is that my spirit is not very steadfast. it finds it super hard to endure. it wavers from truth, to lies. i want to be able to remain steadfast. my spirit needs renewed. all too often these days.
so this verse is my prayer.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Galatians 5:25

"Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit."
Galatians 5:25

I feel like sometimes I am unaware of the Spirit inside of me. I just live life. But in reality, the Holy Spirit is inside of me, living through me, whether I realize it or not and if I take the time to notice, there are evidences of the Holy Spirit's work and movement everywhere in my life. but thats just the problem, sometimes i dont take enough time to notice and to give thanks to Him for His work in my life. And I think that is what this verse is saying, in my opinion. To keep in step with the Spirit, we need to be aware of The Spirit and praise Him and allow Him to work. So that we know what the Holy Spirit is doing inside of us.

Awareness I guess. Is the key.

Live. and Keep In Step.

Friday, June 4, 2010

John 8:32

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."
John 8:32

So I have been slacking the last couple of days. I've been just kinda worn out i guess, and I wanted to be sure that I was awake when I do my devos so I actually am with it and get something out of it.
But tonight the verse that kinda stuck with me was this verse. I have the word truth tattooed over my heart, inverted so that when i look in the mirror I can read it. and its there as a reminder of truth, and what truth is. and esp the truth God says about me. I tend to believe so many lies, and i want to believe the truth and see things the way God does.
but the great thing about this verse, is that the truth will set us free. When we KNOW truth, it will set us free. and i think when we dont just know it, but really believe and live it out, freedom will be lived out in us. cuz it doesnt say, when you BELIEVE you will be set free. but when you KNOW truth. I know a lot of truth, so it has already set me free. It's just up to me to live in that freedom that Christ has bought for me. and to walk in that truth day by day. no matter what.

i actually find myself repeating this verse more often lately, maybe God is trying to tell me something!

Know the truth and the truth will set you free.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Matthew 6:27

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
Matthew 6:27

So this wasnt my original verse for today, I just changed it, because of the events that happened tonight. Plus it goes, because I read a chapter in a book today about worrying...hmmm. maybe God was trying to tell me something!
We worry too much. Like tonight for instance, we got word that our house was flooded. that roads were flooded and everything, and we didnt want to worry or freak out about anything until we actually saw it and saw what it was really like. we could have started worrying about all of our stuff that we have and how all of it could be gone..but there was no point in that because we didnt know for sure.
turned out, all of our things are perfectly fine, except our basement and our garage. but even still, its a huge blessing. we also realized, that God allowed tina's car to breakdown a couple weeks ago, cuz if her car would have been in the garage (cuz we werent home) it would have been totally crushed and gone...where she still at least has a car to look forward to. God's provision. and there were a couple other little moments like that, like with if ppl stayed at home or not...God's provision.
We waste so much time and effort with worry. We just need to trust that whatever happens, happens and God will work out. God does have our best interest, and we should not place our trust and our worth in possessions. But in Him.

Trust God. He loves you deeply. and will look after you. and His Provision, is incredible!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Romans 8:17

I highly suggest you read this whole chapter. it's pretty great. it's the word of God!

"Now if we are children, then we are heirs--heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory."
Romans 8:17

This morningn this verse stuck out to me the most in this chapter, and what stuck more was the last part. "if indeed we share in his sufferings..."
life is hard. especially when you are going through refinement and just everything. it sucks at times. but knowing that Jesus suffered and endured the most shameful death, and reading about all that he went through, all the physical beatings, let alone the emotional ones and all the insults and disbelief that was hurled on him. we share in that, when we are suffering and going thru hard times.
"in order that we may also share in his glory." we can only share in his glory, if we share in his sufferings.
we are children of God, if we share in his sufferings. I think it is impossible for any child of God, to have a perfect, no suffering life. I think that when you are adopted into the family of God, sufferings actually increase. And it is for God's glory, to become heirs WITH Christ. which is incredible to think about!