Monday, April 26, 2010

John 17

For today's verse(s) its extremely hard for me to limit it. I was reading from John 17 today. Where Jesus prays Himself, His Disciples, and All Believers. Incredible. So I encourage you to read the whole chapter and pray that it ministers to your heart!

But I will share John 17:3-5
"Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent."
Eternal life, is knowing God. knowing Jesus. Not just knowing about God, but KNOWING Him, personally and intimately which is capable by God's Spirit, The Holy Spirit. I constantly desire for more of an intimate relationship with God, and its just really cool to know that I can have that. and that through that relatinship and knowing God, I have eternal life. I am living eternal life. Right now in an imperfect body, In the future, someday, in a perfect, glorified body! In all...I will and do know God and Jesus Christ!

"I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do."
Jesus glorified God by completing God's plan and purpose for Him on this earth. Through that, God's glory was brought to the earth. Because of that, we can glorify God by doing what God's plan and purpose for our lives are, here on earth! So often I try to do my own thing, and still expecting or desiring to glorify God. but how can I glorify God if I'm not doing the work He has given me to do? If my heart's desire is to glorify God, I need walk in the purpose He has for my life. Just like Jesus did.

"And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began."
I love this verse, for the reason and awesomeness of that Jesus asks God to glorify Him in His presence with the glory Jesus had BEFORE the world began! AMAZING! Jesus was limited on earth. He wasn't in His full glory. He had to leave some of that behind. This verse to me, kinda indicates that Jesus desired the glory He had before creation. Course if I were Him, and knew this Glory like no other, and just left part of it behind, I would desire it too (i kinda already do desire this glory, for when Jesus returns!) Yet He loved us so much, that He did leave some glory behind. Yet He is still so glorious that we should fall facedown.

I never really noticed these verses. I mean i must have cuz they are underlined and squiggled. But they just popped out at me this morning. and just completely stunned me and amazed me. The glory of Jesus! The sacrifice of Jesus. The knowledge of Jesus. For me.

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