Monday, April 5, 2010

I have a huge role.

This is Honest Jill..

This morning our leadership training group got together and went over a few scenarios and how we would or should react. So there was some role playing going on. I realized, that I am horrible at role playing...I tense up, my mind goes blank...bla bla bla.
This really kinda bothered me, cuz of course Satan then told me (like he does all the time) that I can't do what I am supposed to be doing. and that is building people and being in relationships with people.

But the other day, my dear friend sent me some verses, or chapters more like it! And i would like to share. Because I was just thinking how I struggle so badly, to see things through God's perspective and to embrace people and myself and Him and to be the godly woman God has called me to be, who He is molding me to be, i fail all the time. and i tend to be quite hard on myself. BUT, Jesus has made me victorious, and will continue to mold me, and to pick me up...(Thank you Father for grace and never letting go!)

1 Corinthians 12 (read all of 12-31 PLEASE!)
"The Body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many; they form one body...Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it." (verse 1 and 27 in short!)

We all have a special part. we all have the same Spirit of God inside of us. We are all ONE body. I don't know how to get my excitement and realization across from this, but I pray that myself, and all of us walk in this truth. and strive for this to be true in our lives, and in our relationships and in our mindsets. Lift each other up, die to yourself, embrace others, embrace LIFE, and walk in truth and in confidence. We have something to be confident about, and that is that we have the Spirit of God inside of us!!!! We need to stop walking around defeated and start walking victorious. (im talking to myself here!)

"I'm a treasure in the arms of Christ." Sanctus Real

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