Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Willing Heart + Prayer = Opened Eyes

“…we can have faith that when God commands us to do something, He will provide what we need to carry out his command.” Daily Inspiration Devotional

“By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life.” 2 Peter 1:3

As I was doing my devotions this morning, I was reminded at how meaningful and dominant God’s Provision in my life has been this past year and how utterly grateful I am for it. His financial provision in my life has been a huge blessing: with no job, each month I have enough to pay the bills and still have some to save and to be enjoy. With a horse accident, only having to pay $1,000 out of $30-$32,000 of hospital bills. His spiritual provision in blessing me with every spiritual blessing (ephesians 1:3) and putting people in my life who can speak truth into me and who I can go to when I have questions. His emotional provision through strengthening my current relationships and bringing aboard and continuing to bring aboard new ones….
And my list could go on.

But what sticks out in my mind and heart the most, is how in a leadership role, or in your giftings/talents, desires, God provides all you need. He gives you strength, He gives you finances, He gives you people to help you…and so on. I keep thinking about God’s Closet and how God has given me this vision to help the poor and I am actually attempting at doing it. And each time, He somehow lets me know what to do, He has equipped me and continues to equip me. I often question myself, or ask God, ‘why me? i don’t know what I am doing…’ but He has chosen me. And so far, its all worked! It is all a learning and growing experience.

I have also realized, that in God’s provision, there must be a willing heart…a giving heart. We must be willing to lose everything, in order for God to provide us with our needs. We must be willing to sacrifice ourselves, our time, our wants…We must be willing to give back to God what He has given to us (gifts, talents, finances…etc). And with all of this, we must be grateful.

I am just blown away by God’s constant Provision in my life. And realizing that He does equip me, I have no need to worry or to question ‘why me.’ God knows what He is doing with me. I just need to be willing, grateful and obedient. And to GIVE back.

“…but when you give what you can-even if it’s only a little-He has the power to turn it into something great. Whether we offer him our time, our ability, or some other resource, He takes it and multiplies its effectiveness beyond anything we could have imagined. Give what you can to God. He will show you how he can use you when you have a willing heart.” Daily Devotions

“God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, He will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you.” 2 Corinthians 9:10

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