Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ugly to Beautiful

We are an ugly people.
We sin. We judge. We fall. We say harsh words, we do harsh things. We forget. We lose sight of God. We don't know how to love. We choose sometimes not to love. We don't give people chances. We fail. We hurt. We hurt others. We hurt ourselves. We are fearful. We are merciless. We quarrel. We want revenge...

and so it goes on....

We are an ugly people. We will always be messing up, making mistakes, failing, until the return of Jesus Christ and we are with Him in eternity and in our new bodies, our sinless, heavenly bodies.

We really don't help each other. Majority of the time, we just dishearten people, we upset people, we hurt people without realizing we are doing it.

My heart is really sad right now. knowing that this world is full of sin, and that I have to live in it and amidst it and see what it does to people and witness it first hand as well as know that I at times have a part of all of the ugliness. It's also very frustrating, but mostly, sad.

But I just have to look to God. He sent His Son to die for this world. To die for me. To die for you. His Love is perfect. We are His beloved. He is all we need. He has made us pure, righteous, clean, holy. He has made us beautiful. Yet all to often, we forget that, because we are so caught up in ourselves and in the world. We just have to embrace Him. And everything that this world throws our way, take it with Him. In Him. In His strength, His Love, His might, His courage, His truth, His grace, His mercy. He is the judge. He Is Love.
Where is our vision? What is our perspective? What is the source of our reactions? Our words? Our emotions? God should be the center of everything in us. God should be who we fear, not people. God should be who we please, not people. God should be who we tell things to first. God should be our judge, not others. God should be our everything...
and so it goes on...

:) God makes us beautiful...(new creation)

"For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins...He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." Colossians 1:13-14,17

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