Friday, July 30, 2010


"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to THEIR NEEDS that it may benefit those who listen."
Ephesians 4:29

As I was reading this morning, this was one of the 3 main verses that stuck out to me most this morning. Because my prayer a lot of times is for unity, I feel like encouragement comes right along with that. We need to be encouraging each other. And when we encourage, it should be for the person(s) you are encouring need. Encouragement has nothing to do with ourselves. It is simply for the other person, and it shows our love and care for others. I personally feel a call to help build people and with that comes encouragement, as the bible says. Granted, I may not always do well at this, but when I do it, it is a huge blessing. Knowing that I've been obedient and have lifted a brother or sister up with words (which i love!)
I also like in this verse, how speaking kindly to each other, can benefit others who are listening. There are always people watching/listening to us. Where how we treat those around us, is a HUGE witness to those watching, which is always.
I think that is something we tend to forget. We forget that people are watching, and I think we tend to treat people in a wrong way a lot of times, even if its all in fun. We need to be more encouraging, more building up of each other, as a witness, but as well for the people we are helping to build! Because thru Christ, we are all unified!

So pay attention to people's needs, and encourage them. And remember that how we treat people, how we speak, is a witness to others. I pray this for remembrance for myself especially, and this verse over myself, cuz I want to build people up and to be a good witness for Christ's Glory!

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