Tuesday, February 8, 2011

When’s the last time you were really alone?

You can get so caught up in busyness and people that you forget what has always been important and a priority to yourself.

The simple act of being alone…something i used to hold onto too much. something God has stretched me in not doing so much of. Something I need as an escape and refresher. Something I had forgotten I needed.
I have fallen so in love with people, and have gotten used to people always being around and been keeping busy that I havent taken undisturbed alone time. Sure I have had my quiet times with the Lord. but the time I am talking about, is escape from all things. just to be by yourself. you and God. where you build that intimacy. where you are free to just cry and not have someone ask what’s wrong. you are free to be frustrated and talk it out with God….etc and not think of all the people around you or who could be looking at you and what they are thinking.

I have forsaken those special intimate times, as simple as they are at times, with my LORD. The One my heart yearns for. I need to fight for these times. Fight for more times of intimate prayer, as I am learning a lot about prayer and how I actually don’t know how to pray for people or for myself and as I feel this is something God is calling me to more.

When you forget what has always been important to you, and is a part of how you communicate with your Creator, it eventually catches up to you and you crash, and insecurities, past failures come creeping in. and you realize, its all because you havent had the intimacy you need.
Where are your priorities? Who is your top priority to spend time with? Who receives the majority of your time? God should be receiving all of my time, and all of my attention. He should receive more of me, than anyone else does. and if He is not, there is a problem, and He will fight for You.


Don’t live in the past failures and mistakes. Learn and move on. You are forgiven and free. Don’t let present mistakes ruin all that Jesus has done for you.

One of my favorite questions or thoughts right now is this:  “If all Jesus ever did for you was die on the cross and rise again and forgive your sins and set you free…would that be enough for you?”  becasue He has done so much more and continues to do so much more…but would the cross be enough to receive ALL of your devotion and your heart?!

“Ascribe to the LORD the glory due His name…” Psalm 29:2a

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