Celebrate Life.
This week, I had the great privilege of watching 2 people in need, who don't really have anything, celebrate what little they have. I got to play a role in that, I got to watch the joy in their faces and the tears roll down their faces. I got to be blessed, by their hope in God and excitement for the provision of the LORD. It was, to say the least, refreshing.
It reminded me that I love to help people. Not just spiritually walking people through things, or in discipleship, or charachter things, I love doing that. But i also love to be able to help provide, or even be apart first hand of providing worldly needs, and physical needs. That ultimately isn't the goal, the goal is to show the of Christ and lead people to Him, but the hope is that through giving of what resources we have available, God uses it. And this week, I saw it. and I hope it happens more.
So here's the story.
A lady and her boyfriend have been camping off of the highway. She had a sign that said "need tent" and some lady stopped and prayed for her and told her to call OTW, that we would be able to help her. I ended up being the one to get back in contact with her after she left a message. And i am thrilled that I was that one. She told me the story of how her and her boyfriend got to this area, and that they have to stay here for a couple months until her boyfriend (who is missing an eye, and is almost blind in the other eye) can get social security. All that she asked for, was for a tent, a tarp, and socks. No money, no food, just a shelter from all the rain and wind, and warmth and protection for their feet because they walk a lot. So the church ended up getting these things for them and off Don and I went to meet this lady and her boyfriend. I pulled in the Mcdonald's driveway and we saw this man and woman, and i asked the lady her name, and it was them. We gave them the tent, tarp and socks, and the tears just rolled down the boyfriends face. And the ecitement and squeals from the woman were beautiful. I believe she loves Jesus, because she ended up writing down some verses for us before we arrived and gave it to us, and even prayed with us. She also asked to be picked up to come to church on Sunday. So hopefully, some of you possibly reading this, may meet this sweet couple. Don and I just fell in love with them. There is something so endearing about them. And what's funny is that we have no clue who the person is that told them to contact to OTW. Maybe an angel in disguise! We don't know, but either way, God provided. And We were, and are, extremely blessed to have been apart of what God had going on for that day.
It's changing my heart. Changing my perspective. Today i flew to Hawaii. I am currently on our last flight as I type this, and usually when I fly I make a point to not talk to anyone, to just mind my own business. But I have been beside two girls in peticular that have had really stressful days, and big changes/moves happening today. And all I wanted to do was talk more, but I didnt talk away because it also seemed like they wanted space. But i did pray. And continue to pray. Because life is worth celebrating. And you never know who God will put in your path to encourage, to bless, to pray for, to talk to, to notice....its just a matter of it we are paying attention or not, and if we are willing.
So i ask, are you willing to hear the gentle whisper of the Holy Spirit spurring you onto love and good deeds?
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