Monday, June 9, 2014

Sentimental Moment

 I've been (and still am) processing most of my relationships recently. It's been quite interesting, and very emotional for me. Relationships are always changing, and always will be. As you grow up, as you learn what is really important, as you love people more and love yourself more and love Jesus more, and as seasons of life change, you are just always learning, and always evaluating your life. 

Every relationship takes work, takes effort, takes a fight to be kept and well maintained and healthy.

I have learned so much about relationships, through those who have stuck with me over the years. There have been many tears, many fears, many fights, many times of silence, many frustrations...but those relationships, I would give my life for those people in a heartbeat.

Currently, I am in a different season of life than almost all of my best friends. It's tough, and at times Satan throws lies my that I'm pathetic....or that I am a burden to them....but then something great happens...I REMEMBER, that I have been incredibly blessed, with the bestest friends. I have friends who have stuck with me through the good and the bad. Who know how I process and know my crazy side. I have friends who only look out for my good and who care for me and take care of me. I have friends who love me unconditionally, and I know without a shadow of a doubt they will ALWAYS be there, no matter what life brings or what season of life we are all in. I am incredibly blessed. And when I remember these things, the lies go away. Satan is defeated. Because Christ has victory! His love, has overcome. 

So I encourage you all, fight for your friends. Those people who know you so deeply, allow them to love you, and love them back with Christ's love. Build deeper friendships with those Christ has put in your day to day path to walk life with. Be a best friend. It's not always going to feel good, or be enjoyable, but you must endure the hardships of friendship, for it is worth it. Once you come out of the fire, the relationships are only stronger, when rooted and grounded in Christ. It's a beautiful thing to have your heart knitted together with people who share your same love.

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