I write this, because this is my prayer, my plea for all believers, and this is my struggle. And I think it is relevant to all of us.
We view people through our own eyes, 99% of the time. But really, 100% of the time, we should be viewing people through the eyes of Christ.
I love fiction novels. And my favorite fiction author is Ted DekKer. And I am currently re-reading his trilogy(now its a quadrolgy…?!) The Circle Series. It is to confusing for me to explain all that is going on, but as I was reading the other day, I was reminded of a great biblical truth, of the bride of Christ and how we should look at people. So i wanted to share a part of the book with you.
A few things; Thomas of Hunter is the leader of the Circle and is trying to woo Chelise, a scab princess who is of a different tribe (the Horde). A tribe who has rejected the way of the Circle (Justin’s follower’s). Typically, the scabs repulse all others unlike them. They smell terrible, and have scales on their skin and are pasty white and have red eyes.
And Justin, represents Jesus in this story.
Thomas has just left Chelise on her own because she is not recriprocating his love and he does not know what to do so he runs away, only to meet Justin (who does not show himself often anymore). so this is where we begin..
“Justin glanced back toward the boulders that hid the camp. ‘You left her.’
’I…’ Thomas didn’t know what to say. Why has he now seen Justin twice in one week? Any why was Justin so interested in Chelise? Justin faced him, green eyes flashing with anger. ‘How dare you leave her alone! Do you have any idea who she is? I entrusted her to you.’
’She’s Chelise, daughter of Qurong. I didn’t know that you’d entrusted her to me.’
’She’s the one my father prepared for me! You’ve left my bride to sob in the sand!’ Justin took severeal paces toward the camp, then turned back, head now in his hands.
Thomas wasn’t sure what to make of this display.
Justin lowered his hands. ‘I told you myself, I would show you my heart. I send you Michal when you began to doubt, and already you’re forgetting. do I need to show myself to you every day?’
Justin pointed toward the camp. ‘You shoudl be kissing her feet, not running away.’
’I don’t understand, she is only one woman—‘
’No! She’s the one I’ve chosen to show the Circle my love for them. Through you.’
Thomas sank to his knees, horrified by what he was hearing. ‘I swear I didn’t know. I swear I will love her. forgive me. please forgive me. I…’
"’Please, hurry,’ Justin said. The moonlight showed tears in his eyes. ‘Her heart is breaking. You have to help her understand. Don’t think I am the only one who wants her. My enemy will not rest.’
I wish i could just write the whole chapter in here, or that all of you could just read it. But it is completely the gospel story, and such a great reminder. That we are all the bride of Christ. There is an enemy, who is fighting for the soul’s of others. How are we viewing other people? How are treating the one’s God has entrusted to us?! It does not matter what they look like, where they come from, how annoying they may be, they are a part of the bride of Christ. God has chosen them. Entrusted them to us for the time being. No matter how big or how small of a role you play in their life, you do play a role, and you better take that role seriously.
We need to love with the love of Christ. We need our hearts and eyes opened, to see through Christ’s love, and not our own selfishness.
We see people as scabs (ugly, selfish, hopeless, stinky)…but Christ see’s everyone as His bride.
“Everyone needs compassion. A love that’s never failing…My God is mighty to save…”
Open the eyes of my heart LORD…and Be thou My Vision, O Lord of my heart.