Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Dealing with teenagers, especially teenage girls, you can come to create opinions quite quickly on certain subjects; from your own experience and from jsut talking with teenagers.

I have created a strong opinion on crushes. and i just want to let it out. ha

We’ve all had those crushes, some of us probably still do. But you know when you like someone, and you can’t stop thinking about them, you may daydream about them, you get excited everytime you know you will get to see them, you make things up in your head whether they were looking at u, or are thinking about you….etc….

how do i put this lightly…but in my opinion, this is a load of poop. I don’t understand why girls, put themselves through all that emotional turmoil. Crushes 99% of the time, end up in you being crushed. so why do girls (and maybe guys, i dont know the mind of a guy, obviously), get so worked up over some guy, or multiple guys, 1…when you’ve probably never talked to them, 2…when you barely know them and 3….when in reality, nothing will probably happen.

I realize I sound like a complete lonely, crabby old woman. hah this I am not. I would actually quite like to feel in love at the current moment, but tis not my time. What I do think though, is that girl’s long for these feelings, there is something about it that makes us feel good…this i cannot explain. But I think that it is all in our heads the majority of times. We can completely control how emotionally involved we get in a crush….we can choose whether to daydream or not about someone we find attractive. and I think it is unhealthy to do this and get all worked up over specific guys.

I believe girls only are hurting themselves in the end. When they could be saving their hearts and emotions for real feelings when the right guy comes along, when they are in the right place with God.

it’s called a crush for a reason.

so my plea, and prayer, is that girl’s are more careful and mindfully aware of how and how much you think about guys. try to stay away from having crushes and making them more than they are. think of Jesus more. Think of Him more than you think or dream about these guys, these crushes of yours, and give Jesus your heart before you even think about giving even a piece of your heart to anyone else. Because when you are constantly thinking about someone, and putting so much of your emotions in what they do and how you respond to their actions…you are giving them a piece of your heart, without them even knowing it. and that is not okay. Let Jesus protect your heart from being crushed. for You are precious in the sight of Jesus. Forever.

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