My heart is heavily burdened. I’ve prayed for my heart to break for what breaks God’s hearts…and I believe my prayer is being answered.
So here is the issue…
God’s children, are a completely unwilling people. We are selfish, self- centered, and in love with our own sin.
Jesus was willing to suffer beyond what we can even imagine…and was willing to DIE a thief’s death for us….yet what are we willing to do for Him?
We complain about everything…we complain about what we do, where we are, who we not with, what we are not doing, where we aren’t….we are consumed with ourselves and what we want in this life and our desires. and this causes us to be unwilling to do what Christ asks of us no matter how big or how small.
unwillingness is disobedience. and complaining, does not help our case.
Is Jesus not greater to us than the people in our lives? the place we are at? what we desire? our acts of service?…We place idols over Jesus constantly without even realizing. (what are your idols?)Our hearts are unwilling to do, to be, to go, WHATEVER Jesus says, wherever He has us in life…we are unwilling to embrace it and make the most of it and to learn. (because yes, it may be hard and not what we want!)
This breaks the heart of God.
Can we not just embrace God and life no matter what the circumstances? Can we not just choose to enjoy, no matter the cost? Can we not just be willing to do anything, to be anywhere for Jesus? Can we not just make Jesus the King of our hearts, Lord of our lives, and the best thing to us?
After all, He is worthy….yet our lives don’t show that.
Yes, we have great times of worship where our lives may show He is worthy…but what about our daily lives? our thoughts every second? Do they show that Jesus is worthy?
My prayer, is that people don’t just agree with what I am saying…but that breaking the heart of God, breaks yours. That realizing that we are an unwilling people, will not settle well with us, and that all of God’s children, will be moved to action. To learn to be content and to be joyful as long as we have Jesus no matter where we are in life whether we desire to be there or not. no matter what we are doing in life, whether we want to be doing that or not. no matter how big, or how small.
We are here because of, and for God.
May we stop living for ourselves, in sin and start living for You, God, in Your Spirit. In your Love and Grace….
The love of Jesus is one of a kind. It runs deeper and satisfies like no other love can. So why do we not live on His love alone? Why do we complain? Paul tells us not to in Philippians 2.
I trust my God to break the hearts of His children, and to bring us to our knees. To realize its not about us, and to change. To stop living in sin, and live in Him. For He has done great things for us, and will do great things in us. When we are obedient.
May our hearts be willing God, to serve you, no matter the cost to us. Because You were willing, willing to death on a cross for us, Jesus.