Monday, October 19, 2009

Funny how God teaches us.

God works in wonderful ways. Ways we can't even imagine. Especially while we are learning something. and we don't realize these things until after!

So the other day I was talking w my cousin. and he recently felt like God was asking Him to give up leading worship. and I was happy about that. He was curious as to why. And i told Him why. and after we talked about hit how true it is. and how God actually took me through that. and is going to take many others through it too. So i felt like sharing.

When living for God...most of the will be asked to give something up. are asked to give yourself up. your dreams. your desires. everything. But there is always something...that is just YOUR thing. Something you are gifted in. Something you love with all of your heart. Something you feel called to do. Something you just enjoy. Something you do everyday. Something you want to do for the rest of your life.
For my cousin, it was leading worship. For was being in ministry. You see...I spent a year and half right out of highschool being in full time ministry in Northern Ireland. I really learned a lot about myself and about God and who I am. I had never done ministry before. and i absolutely fell in love w it. fell in love w discipling girls, with being in the word...with being involved in people's lives. I fell in love with ministry. and was gifted in it.
Well friends...I let that love for ministry...overwhelm my love for God. I became obsessed with being in ministry. i thought i HAD to because i felt called to it. and therefore, because i felt called to do that, and i loved it, i thought i would forever and always do it. that is when my world crashed. and i mean...crashed. only i didnt realize it right at that moment. it took me a while...when my relationship with God horribly suffered...when past emotions arose...when ministry became a bother...and my heart wasnt in it.
God was letting me know...that I had put ministry before Him. and I believe we all at some point in our that. We become so in love with a dream...that we let it consume us. we let THAT become our identity...and now God.
so i feel like...God has taken me through that...and He is taking my cousin and others right now, and in the future through that. Where we need to give something up...that we love..and just be content in Jesus. in what He has for us..and to know that no matter what happens in our matter where we are or what we are long as we have Jesus...we are satisfied. We are at peace. We are joyful.
Cuz honestly...all we need is Jesus. If we truly love Jesus...we are willing to give up our dreams and desires for His. trust Him. it is worth it. I've been through it...and still am. It doesn't mean He is going to take away your dreams and desires you have right now that you may need to give up. It may only be for a time. he just wants you to learn, and to trust Him, that his plans are way better than anything you can ever dream of. and that your for Him...and not for anything else.

It is a beautiful thing to go through. Surrender. It is a painful thing. But blessing does come from it. Contentment and love come through it. More dreams. and Open eyes come from it. God has many other ways He would like to use us...than just one. Our lives are our ministry. Our love for our minsitry. Is our witness.
Be encouraged friends.
in says that God's word..always comes true. Do you believe that?!

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