Friday, October 9, 2009

Are we taking time to just hang out with Jesus?
are we taking time to be in AWE of God?
Are we taking time to pray to God?! and not just our little, God may this day be a great day for your glory prayers...but prayer....heartfelt. half hours of prayer. hours of prayer. cries?!
are we taking time to allow the Spirit of God to minister in us?! to move us? to use us?!

i realized the other night. that God has claimed my mind. and now He is working on claiming my heart. He already has a bit of it. But He wants even more of it. He wants my heart to feel anguish, to break for what breaks His. He wants me heart to be a compassionate heart. and i definately feel a call on my life to have a huge prayerful heart. He wants to claim every part of my heart as His.

So I ask well as myself. Are we allowing God to change us?! No matter how hard it may be? Are we embracing it? Are we willing? Are we taking the time out of our own selfish lives and desires, to allow God to move in and through us?!
I was just reading about the heart a little bit.
And the heart is a muscle. about the size of a fist. and muscles tend to contract right. well when the heart contracts...its an all-or-nothing thing. The heart contracts with ALL OF ITS FORCE.
are we embracing God with all that we are?! are we loving with all of our heart?! or just a part of it.

the heart is a very incredible thing. its not just a muscle which brings life to our body and keeps up alive. its more than that. it allows us to FEEL things....
yes we can feel other when we pull it or we can feel it twitch at times...
we can feel our heart breaking when we see children being uncared for.
we can feel our heart rejoicing when we see people engulfed in worship to our Glorious God.

its more than just keeping us alive.
are we taking time to see and to be in awe of what God created?! His beauty in us. and in this world. or are we just focused on our everyday life. and being complacent, and just seeing God as common...
HE is the farthest thing from common. so why do we live like He is?!

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him, endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2

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