Sunday, September 27, 2009

Beyond the surface

there is always a story behind a word. do we take the time to pay attention to that story? to honor that story? to really look into a simple word which can mean more than our minds can take?!

So I'm reading The Heavenly Man. And it is blowing my mind. It's about this Chinese man who was put in prison, and tortured in ways that...i cant even describe...its sickening what ppl will do to others...and its just incredible what this guy went through for the sake of the church..and His love for Jesus. Incredible. and to think, Jesus was EVEN better! and went thru so much more...
But just reading this guys story (im not even half way thru the book right now) but he puts scripture in with his story at certain points...scripture that uplifted him and gave him strength...and it makes you actually look at the scripture from his and the writer of the scriptures point of view. so often, i dont think we realize the pain that maybe David was in when He wrote some of the psalms...or Paul while in prison...we just read the words, without realizing that these people actually suffered...and were tortured probably...and we don't realize the pain behind the words. the story behind the words. and then the deliverance behind the words as well!
it just makes you look at things in a different perspective.

"Praise the one who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead..."
We are blessed. and all we go through for the sake of a blessing.

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