I've only been sitting here for about 10 minutes, and that moment has already happened.
I'm leading worship tomorrow morning. I'm slightly nervous. Seeing as this past year has been bathed in anxiety in leading worship, and the last couple times it seems to be calming down and some victory has happened! So naturally, I am thinking and praying about worship. Naturally, I am thinking about myself....and asking God if I have grown as a worship leader in the last year and a half. My initial thought, is no, because I haven't been told (nor have I asked), how or even if I have grown. I am still extremely dependent upon other people to help me lead, which I don't think necessarily is a bad thing because of how God has wired me, but I am sure if an area I could grow in and would like to grow in.
Musically, I'm really not that good. For as many years as I have been doing this, I should be further along. But, I am also practicing and preparing more now musically and spiritually for worship than I every have.
And that is where my thoughts are at. The preparation of worship.
This year, something has clicked in me that hadn't before, where I see the privilege and important of being apart of corporate worship, and it makes me want to do it better. Not for myself, not for the church, but for God, because He genuinely cares about our worship, especially when we all purposely gather together in His name. And I've began to see God move in incredible ways corporately and individually though this worship time.
I believe as well, that if our own individual worship time is suffering, our corporate worship time suffers. You see, we all, and not just musicians in a worship team, no matter what skill, or singers, or preachers, or teachers...but all of Christ's bride, should be preparing to come together to worship.
For so long, I would show up on a Sunday morning, without even caring what songs we were going to sing and even how well I would play them, or without even praying for the teacher that morning, without even spending time with Christ before worshipping Him with fellow brothers and sisters. I would come together with an attitude that was not worthy of my Savior, and I didn't even care. Then I started getting anxious....and that only drew me to go to Christ. I started to pray more, at first, just for myself. I would pray all day Saturday, I would get up early Sunday morning and pray some more...then, I started not just praying for myself, but for the rest of the worship team, and then the pastors, and other leaders, because I knew if I was being so attacked, that they probably are too. And through all of that, God started to show me how much more powerful corporate times of worship are, even if just one person is taking the time to pray for those times, those people, and preparing themselves to worship Him in song, in abilities, in teaching, in fellowship and in servant hood. Through that, I see God smiling, I see and feel God receiving the glory that is due His name, and I see him working mightily within the church body, His bride.
So my challenge; prepare your hearts to worship. Not just for a Sunday morning or evening, but every day. Worship in private, so that your corporate worship will be even more glorifying! Be ready and prepared, spiritually and physically, to worship your One True God who is Worthy of more than we can ever give!
Worship, in spirit and in truth.