Sometimes, whenever I read the Word of God, and grasp a truth and the depth of what it is saying…I wish the whole body of Christ could grasp it in that moment. I guess this is where Intercession and prayer comes in play. as well as teacher’s and preacher’s.
A group of us girls tonight were reading in James 3, about taming the tongue. and I was just reminded at how much power there is in the tongue. It builds up and it tears down.
“…the tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell…but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poision. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brother’s these things ought not to be so…Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water? Can a fig tree, my brothers, bear olives, or a grapevine produce figs? Neither can a salt pond yield fresh water…”
Our words/tongue carry so much weight…and i cant help but think, how often do we bathe our words in prayers? Do we devote our words to God?! Each morning do we offer our words to God? Do we think before speak, do we pray before we share something with someone? Whether its in deep conversation, surface conversation, confrontation….in everything we say…are we submitting it to God?
Romans 12:1 tells us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice; our tongue is a part of our body. It is a small part, but like the passage says, ‘sets on the fire the entire course of life.’
Devote your words to God.
I heard a father ask a son today, “did you do anything edifying today?”
and I think that is such a great question to ask ourselves every night before our days end. Did we do anything edifying? Did the words we say edify or tear down someone?
So my challenge to whoever in the world may read this, and my prayer for God’s children, is that we give our tongues over to the power of Christ and not go about our days without thinking or praying about the words we say.