value: to consider with respect to worth, excellence, usefulness, or importance;
to regard or esteem highly
I find it interesting as follower’s of Jesus Christ how often we devalue people, especially fellow brothers and sisters. We are not one’s who tend to give people second chances or third chances, or we are quick to judge based on what we’ve heard, or what we’ve seen, or we just can’t be bother because someone may not be our favorite person, or we don’t want to take the time out to really get to know someone….and so many other things.
Since when do we have a right to do as we please with people?! To treat them with such disrespect? To not value people who are placed before us. To not keep in touch with those who may have moved on. We really are, that self-focused. We really are, that bad of an example.
When do you ever see Jesus not giving someone a chance? When do you ever see Jesus being quick to judge off of what He had heard or a reputation. When do you see Jesus turning away the one’s who are hard to love? When do you see Jesus forgetting about the one’s who have moved on? When do you see Jesus taking advantage of people?
never. Jesus welcomed all. He gave up Himself, for the sake of others. When do you ever see His follower’s doing that (especially in the Western World)? when we are called to follow in His example, and He tells us that we will do greater things than He……what kind of witness or gospel are we preaching to the world by the way we treat and think about others.
We need to learn to really value people. Because frankly, we all deserve hell. Not one of us are more special than another. and I think selfishness, is the biggest sin beleiver’s struggle with, and yet I think we don’t tend to take it very seriously, but we make up excuses for it.
People should be seeing Christ in us, should be being built up by our love which comes from Christ, not being tore down or hurt because no one believed in them, or took time for them, but just shrugged them off.
Where is the agape love Christians? Where is the example of Christ in the western world?!
“But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called ‘today’ that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” Hebrews 4:13
“For the body does not consist of one member but of many.” 1 Corinthians 12:14
“For we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.” 2 Corinthians 4:11