Anytime I wanna blog, its out of my own personal time with God and its usually like this big long thing I learned from scripture and all that will take me forever to explain.
But right now…there is so much in my head, but one thing sticking out…and it comes from bits of whats all in my head at the moment.
But, Pat Miller came and spoke to us Off The Wallians today, about Isaiah 58, and about being a rebellious people. and Recently, I asked God that if there is anyway in me that I need to work on, to reveal it to me. Cuz i know there is, and im just thinking through a lot at the moment and definately need to just give so much more of myself. but right now what im realizing…is that i am not being faithful, or obedient to the urgings i so often get in my head.
i wonder why financially im lacking trust…and so forth…but it is said that if you are faithful in the small things, God will give you more….responsibility and blessing I believe. Well, its become clear, that its what seems to be so minute, and little that I am not being obedient in. I ignore the little voices in my head that tell me to do something…to go serve…to say something…to do something i don’t necesarrily want to do cuz im just being lazy. i am ignoring those. and until I start being obedient in those little things, I will remain in whatever state it is that I am in, I don’t even know. I want to grow, I want to be a good discipler, a worshiper, all things I am slacking in and need desperate growth, but im not being obedient in the small, so im a bit complacent and lazy.
not good.
So plain and simple. I need to be obedient in the small things. In the simple urgings. It is not about me, or what I want to do in a moment, but about what God is doing to encourage and build His people, His church. Not about me at all, yet so often I live like it is.
Forgive me LORD.
Thank You for YOUR Love, and Mercy, and Faithfulness, even when I lack so much.
Thank You.
“You are good, you are good when there’s nothing good in me….”
check out PSALM 103. My prayer and cry, is to “Bless The LORD, O my soul, with all that is within me…”