Tuesday, November 15, 2011


As much as I never thought I was, or like to admit...I really am a prideful person. I am a prideful person full of insecurity and fear. (explain that one!)
Pride is rooted in us all. it just has many different facades.
It is okay to admit that your wrong, and esp for me...it is okay to mess up. and especially to mess up in front of people. I care to much what people will think, even though I know for the most part, people really do not care.

I have been reading through John, and there is one part where the Pharisee's and Jews pick up stones to stone Jesus..and he flee's becasue it is not yet His time...well, later on, Jesus gets word that his dear friend Lazarus is ill, and after a couple days, He decides to go see Laz, which means...going back to the place where they wanted to stone Him.
and Jesus says,
"...are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles because the light is not in him." (John 11:8-10)
in the psalms it talks about what can mere man do to us? so many of us live with this fear of man...and my thought process has been basically, if Jesus was willing and unfearful of going back to the place where people wanted to stone him, it shouldn't matter if i think people will "stone" me or not...my pride should not get the best of me. no matter what facade it is showing...whether that is the facade of fear, inward pride, or an arrogant pride...

the goal of this blog...
is to realize, its okay to mess up in front of people. it's okay to admit your wrongs. it's okay to be weak. people really are not as bad or as judgmental as we play them out to be soemtimes. and really, what does it matter?! I am serving Jesus, not man. I should not be fearful of being 'stoned' (figuratively speaking), becasue I walk IN the light, and my pride and insecurity and fear should not get the best of me in those times.

The two things I want rid of in people...is pride, and selfishness. One day....when sin is no more! :)
and so Lord, please come quickly!

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