Friday, August 27, 2010

When you fall in love, you give yourself.

I just want to encourage everyone to Fall In Love with God.
I am finding that the more I give myself to God, the more strength I have in Him and the more I fall in love with Him. As well as the more I fall in love and give myself, I want more of Him. I sit here. 115am. My average bedtime this week has been 2amish. give or take an hour or so later or earlier. It's because of God. Cuz I want to spend extra quality time with Him, outside of my 15-20 min devotions. I'm not sharing this to tell everyone to be like me. I am sharing this, because its on my heart and I am so excited about Jesus Christ and about giving more of myself to Him. I, a person who enjoys sleep waaay to much and most days, just wants to sleep...have not been wanting to go bed (now the mornings are a different story). And I, a person who usually needs a nap, who gets so tired come around 1-2pm....has been decently energetic than usual, not yawning as much as usual. I truly believe this is God. Could partly be still adjusting from Alaska time, but I do believe that God has a huge hand in it.

Granted, in the next week or so I will have many early mornings, so things will need to change. But for right now, I am enjoying the late nights/early mornings.

Time spent with God comes in many forms and ways. Blogging, Reading, Writing, Praying, Worshipping, Unwinding...
God is always there. Take time to notice Him. To pour your heart out to Him. To Honor Him with who you are and what you enjoy. Take time to be woo'd by Him. Take time to Learn...a lot and to grow!

Fall in Love. With the One who Created You. Who Designed You. Who takes delight in you. Who sent His Son for You. Who Died for You. Who Sacrificed for You. Who Forgave you. Who Redeemed you. Who is always with you. Who Strengthens you. Who protects you. Who Loves you with an extravagant love: the only true love there is.

"May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word." 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

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