Thursday, June 3, 2010

Matthew 6:27

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
Matthew 6:27

So this wasnt my original verse for today, I just changed it, because of the events that happened tonight. Plus it goes, because I read a chapter in a book today about worrying...hmmm. maybe God was trying to tell me something!
We worry too much. Like tonight for instance, we got word that our house was flooded. that roads were flooded and everything, and we didnt want to worry or freak out about anything until we actually saw it and saw what it was really like. we could have started worrying about all of our stuff that we have and how all of it could be gone..but there was no point in that because we didnt know for sure.
turned out, all of our things are perfectly fine, except our basement and our garage. but even still, its a huge blessing. we also realized, that God allowed tina's car to breakdown a couple weeks ago, cuz if her car would have been in the garage (cuz we werent home) it would have been totally crushed and gone...where she still at least has a car to look forward to. God's provision. and there were a couple other little moments like that, like with if ppl stayed at home or not...God's provision.
We waste so much time and effort with worry. We just need to trust that whatever happens, happens and God will work out. God does have our best interest, and we should not place our trust and our worth in possessions. But in Him.

Trust God. He loves you deeply. and will look after you. and His Provision, is incredible!

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